Monday, June 16, 2008

Hi! And Welcome!

Hi, thank you so much for "clicking" this far into the site! I am very new to this blog thing so I really appreciate you taking the time to read this. Last fall, we began praying and thinking about the jourey we are beginning this fall - moving, working, and living in Kenya. I am so excited that God has brought us this far, to the point where we have sent out letters letting others know about our move, beginning to think about packing arrangements, and sitting down with our bosses to tell them we will no longer be working for them 9-5. My prep for Kenya has been basic thus far, but much more so than any other trip I have ever been on or move I have ever made. The night before I left for Ecuador, I packed at midnight and was still working on pronouncing the name of the city I would be living in: "Gua-ya-quil".... the same with almost every other trip. Kenya is different for many reasons, I have a husband this time (awesome!) (we have to watch out for eachother, I no longer feel invincible), we are going for at least a year, and Africa in general has been on my heart since I was a little girl - I feel like I have so many expectations-yet I cannot comprehend the feeling I will have the first time I lay my eyes on the infamous Kibera slum.

1 comment:

Becca said...

LYD! I can't BELIEVE you're going to Africa!!! What an adventure! I am SO proud of you! Please keep in touch (as much as possible). I am so excited for the two of you and wish you both the best in the world. I hope we can reunite some time soon.

All my love!